by Elisabeth | Oct 24, 2013 | Giveaway, Ramblings, Rumor Has It
Yesterday was an exciting day for me…actually I’m not sure exciting encompasses it all. Other words that come to mind are epic, flabbergasted, grateful, and unbelievable! Now that I’ve peeled myself off the ceiling I’m ready to share…. I...
by Elisabeth | Oct 11, 2013 | Giveaway, Ramblings, Rumor Has It
I have some BIG news for you today! I was fortunate enough to have Monica Murphy, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author, read an ARC of my book and she agreed to give me a front cover endorsement! I cannot tell you how excited I am about this!! I LOVE...
by Elisabeth | Sep 11, 2013 | Ramblings
We all love prizes and a good book here, right? Well my friend the fabulous Faith Andrews is releasing her debut novel ‘Man Of My Dreams’ on September 19th and in honor of the big event Schmexy Girl Book Blog will be hosting a Release Day Party ALL DAY on...
by Elisabeth | Aug 30, 2013 | Ramblings
When I got the e-mail from my web designer telling me my site was almost ready and I needed to get my first post written, my initial thought was, “Great! So excited to get going!” The thought that followed a millisecond later was, “Shit. What am I going to write...